Cat breeds not recommended for beginner cat parents | Bruno's Pets

Cat breeds not recommended for beginner cat parents

The following cat breeds are definitely not recommended for first time owners

1, Regdoll and Persian

They are absolutely gorgerous and beautiful, but their long hair is not easy to take care of, it's just everywhere in the house, and you have to brush them frequently. The best part is not this, if you are slightly allergic to cats, just like moi. Congrats...these long hair cats will give you a good time. Sniff...Also Regdolls usually have weak stomach, so be careful with what you feed them.

2, Scottish Folds

ohhhh look at their cute ears, they are folded. Yes, they are folded for a reason, and that's definitely not to please us. The gene that causes the folded ears also results in defective cartilage in the joints & abnormal bone development such as painful arthritis, and it's quite expensive to treat.

3, Flat-faced cats such as Persian, Exotic or Himalayan

Just like dogs, flat-faced cats usually have shorter and narrower nostrils, which means they tend to have breathing problems easily. Cat parents will have to pay more attention to their diet to avoid over-weight, and try not to let them stay in an extremely warm or humid environment. Also, it's easier for them to have eye problems, so it's always recommended to clean their eyes and face more often.


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