Consider this before having your first cat | Bruno's Pets

Consider this before having your first cat

Having a cat is not just for fun, it also means responsiblity, so it is important to choose the rigth cat that will best fit into your home and lifestyle.

Today I'm gonna be sharing with you the key factors when choosing your first cat.

The first one is Age: Do you want a kitten, adult cat, or even a senior? Long story short, it is easier to train and build bondage with kittens. but the down side is also very obvious, it's very time consuming to nurture and train. also, they are balls of energy so it does need you to pay extra attention to them before they make any trouble.

Secondly, Activity level: Some cats are very active and playful while others enjoy a slower pace of life. Some examples of more active Siamese,Bengal and Manx, and less active: American Shorthair, Persian, British Shorthair and Russian Blue.I have both Siamese and American Shorthair, and the Siamese is always the one who initiate the chasing and knocking things off game.

Third thing is that do you have other pets. Some cats are easier to get along with other animals such as American Shorthair and Siberian. 

The last but not least most popular breeds is called the "rescued cat", it's a part of our company culture as to adopt instead of buying. but it can be a entire different chapter to talk about. If you like to hear more about adopting a rescued cat, please comment and let me know so that I will make a separate post about this.

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